Railway maintenance

Regular railway track maintenance includes routine control over the condition of track and constructions, and performance of works to prevent and eliminate malfunctions. Proper management of regular railway track maintenance ensures continuous operation of railway track and constructions.

As a rule, regular railway track maintenance works include the following: replacement of defective sleepers, switch sleepers, rail joint elements; sidewise and lateral adjustment of track and turnouts; elimination of track width deviations; flattening and adjustment of rail gaps; trimming of ballast section; maintenance of railway crossings, bumping posts; removal of snow from turnouts; adjustment of tracks in frost boil zones, etc.

Regular maintenance of roadbed encompasses inspection of slopes, fortifying, protecting structures and gutter ways, and drainage systems; cleaning of settlers of access gullies; cleaning of ditches, gutters; planning of outsides of the track; and elimination of slipouts from hill ditches, slopes, embankments and cavities. 

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